You can measure slopes, distances and heights on your drone survey with the Measurement Tools. The measurement tools are available in the Measure group of the ANALYSIS tab.

The Slope tool allows you to measure the slope, the height difference and a 2D distance between two points.

The Distance tool allows you to measure both 2D and 3D distances, shows the slope and the azimuth of your measurement, and can measure multiple points with one line.

The Height tool allows you to measure a vertical distance between two points.



  1. Click on Slope to enable the tool.
  2. Click once on the Elevation Terrain to set the starting point (e.g., top of bank).
  3. Move the cursor to the other side of the slope you want to measure (e.g., bottom of the bank).
  4. Left-click to complete the measurement.
  5. The slope item is created in the Project View as a Measurement Item and the Selection Box displays additional information and details when that item is selected.


  1. Click on Distance to enable the tool.
  2. Left-click once on the Elevation Terrain to set the starting point of the measurement line (e.g., start of the road center line).
  3. Continue using left-click to measure between distances along a line (e.g., beginning of road curve and each direction change around the curve).
  4. Right-click to complete the measurement line.
  5. The Distance item is created in the Project View as a Measurement Item and the Selection Box displays additional information and details when that item is selected.


  1. Click on Height to enable the tool.
  2. Left-click once on the Elevation Terrain to set the starting point (e.g., on the ground).
  3. Move the cursor above the object you want to assess the height of (e.g., top of the roof).
  4. Left-click to complete the measurement.
  5. The Height annotation is created in the Project View as a Measurement Item and the Selection Box displays additional information and details when that item is selected.

Tips and Tricks

  • You can change the measurement units from Imperial to Metric (or vice versa) at any time by clicking on Display Units in the Status Bar.

  • In the Measurement section of the Analysis tab, you can choose the color and the size of the measurements Labels, the color of the Line, and whether you only want to show the Ratio, Slope, or both for Slope items.

  • The Selection Box displays all the measurement information about the Measurement Item when you select it in the Project View or Viewport. You can copy this information by clicking on the clipboard icon.

  • You can access and make additional annotation style edits in the TOOLS for Measurement tab once a measurement item is selected.