Sharing projects externally can be done quickly and easily using the Dropbox integration. Projects can be seamlessly sent to other user's through their Dropbox connections, allowing you to avoid copying files, and transferring them manually. 

You can also control how the data is used by managing access rights of the shared projects or removing access from other users all through the Virtual Surveyor interface. 

This article details steps to sharing your projects, and managing who can view and use them. 


Quick Guide

  1. Start Virtual Surveyor.
  2. Open a project that was saved to Dropbox or transfer your project to Dropbox.
  3. Click on the Share with Dropbox button on the top right of the program.
  4. Enter the email address of the user you wish to share your project with.
  5. Set permission levels.
  6. Enter any message.
  7. Click Share.

Share a Project

Sharing your projects and data can now be fully handled through the Virtual Surveyor interface when you have a connected Dropbox account, and are working on a project you have saved to your Dropbox cloud

Click on the Share with Dropbox button on the top right of Virtual Surveyor.

The Share with a Dropbox account window will appear. Fill in the desired settings. 

Share with a Dropbox Account 

  • Enter the email address of the user you wish to share with.
  • Only 1 user can be entered at a time.
  • User's without Virtual Surveyor or Dropbox can be entered, but they will be prompted to create an account for both when accessing the email link.

Permission - Can Edit vs Can View 

  • Can edit permissions allow users to utilize tools in Virtual Surveyor to change the shared project files.
  • Can view permissions allow users to open and view the project and perform measurements, but they cannot change the project data.

Message (optional)

  • Provide a message that will be included in the email your recipient receives from Dropbox.

Already has Access

  • Lists users who have access to the data

Manage Access Rights

You can also control the access to your shared project data at any time through Virtual Surveyor's Share with Dropbox interface. Shared data access, editing, or viewing can be revoked at anytime allowing you to fully take control of your data. 

  • To change access - Change user's permission to Can View from Can Edit and vice versa.
  • To remove user access to the data - Click on the orange X
    • The data is removed from the user's Dropbox account.

Receiving a Shared Project

When you share a project the designated user will receive the data through Dropbox. They should receive an email from, that looks like below. 

The user needs to accept the share. This can be done by clicking on the email notification or through the Dropbox desktop app. 

If the user has a Dropbox account the data will automatically be placed into their account and can immediately be accessed to open the project. 

If the user is not a Dropbox user already, they can create an account to access the data. The email from Dropbox includes a note inviting him to join and access the files.

Once the share is accepted by the user, the project will appear in Shared with Me list.

Tips & Tricks

  • Dropbox team account members do not need to share projects with each other. Projects saved on team spaces are accessible for each team member.
  • You cannot remove access to people within your Dropbox team account. This should be done at the Dropbox administrative level. The team space admin needs to remove members through the Dropbox Admin Console